So this is the question for my friend Bob. . .
If the money is just being printed, who cares if we do a bailout? If they are just printing the money then how are our taxes paying for it? Paying for the ink? The paper?
I keep hearing these pretty little sound bites about “printing” money, but where’s the substance underneath?
So, Bob. What is the drama about? You say the government is “printing” money to save the banks, save the auto industry, save the porn industry, to save jobs in America. You would rather they let the façade drop and EVERYONE loses faith in the dollar, and only value gold and silver? Hell, there have been times when gold and silver had no value, back in the lands suffering from famine. Food is the original currency.
You would have us go back to that?
You go on with your pretty little sound bites and say how Americans are IDIOTS, but I can help but wonder why you still keep working day after day for your worthless paper.
I’ll gladly wipe my butt with your paycheck since its so worthless.
Jack B. Clenching
Thursday, January 29, 2009
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Are you that dumb to think that the government is printing the money ???? Hello!!! the Federal Reserve Prints the money and then LOANS IT TO THE US GOVERNMENT AT INTEREST !!! So all this money that is being injected we the taxpayer are paying for !! The money supply has been increased by 70 % in the last 6 months !! Hyper inflation is coming !! When the rest of the world figures out that investing in the US government or US dollars is A DUMB IDEA because we cannot service our debt we are screwed!! HELLO AMERO !!! that is the next phase of all this, the eventual collapse of the dollar and replacement of the currency based on the gold standard. I'll take my check in silver please !!
Hey Stuby Dave,
I realize you conspiracy buffs all sleep together, but try to keep your love affair out of my blog.
I fully grasp the "mandrake Mechanism" and how it works. "Printing money" is the term used by you conspiracy clowns.
Hyper inflation could be, but only if you are too stupid to realize that the "printed money" is only replacing the "lost money". Thus, there is zero inflation. This is math 101, not even algebra.
Amero??? You are a genious. The Amero is coming, the Amero is coming. Dude, seriously cry that song somewhere else. Your Amero, backed by gold is a ruse. The Euro was backed by gold too... for about a day, then it went right back to being a true fiat.
You want your silver, but are too desnse to see that silver is manipulated too. Hey darling, next time you try to open your eyes to the real world, don't be a princess and just clean to the most dramatic and fantastic version, try looking at the facts and taking the whole picture.
Its not that hard, you just have to pull your head out of your ass first
Alright... Well that is brilliant... I will tell you that someone has there head up there ass, but I don't think it is me..... Follow the herd to slaughter sir.... Have a great weekend !
Take a look at this and tell me who's head it up there ass.
one of thousands
I think you should, go to school, get good grades, and get a safe, secure job with a 401K
Anything else will be too taxing for your simplistic mind, princess
Did you even watch the video? This "leader's" idea is to role over and play dead. Stop trying to fix it. Let life happen.
Let me give you a couple of scenarios princess:
1# The market is crashing and we do nothing. End result: Market crash
#2 The market is crashing and we fight against it. End results: a) we turn the economy around. b) the market still crashes
The worst case senario could happen if we do try to turn the economy around, but it might not. There is a chance.
If we do nothing we have no chance at all
So, Princess Stubby, how does it make sense not to try?
Watch this one... explains it really well for you !!
Thanks Stubbs. I love it when you Conspiracy guys try to use main stream media to prove your point. All I ever hear is the media doesn't tell the truth, but then you guys try to use the media to prove your point. Logically that means you are trying to prove your point using lies
I understand the printing money concept. Got it. But what everyone is neglecting is all the money that POOF! disappeared. Thus inflation isn't necessarily the result of printed money.
Either way. The concept of not trying to fix the economy and simply letting it fail makes no sense. That leaves no chance for winning.
So... why don't you come up with a plan that doesn't use rolling over and die as your number one strategy.
jack i second that!!!
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