Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How Do You Spell Asshole with only 3 letters? B.O.B.

Did anyone read Bob's last blog? What an ass. He wants to throw Robert in with all the loony toon conspiracy theorists. Sure Robert's writing a book called "Conspiracy of the Rich". And while there has been hard evidence of a small group who run the monetary system and thus the world, I do wish Robert had not used the word Conspiracy. He could have called it Treason of the Rich or Subversion of the Rich.

The reason I hated the word conspiracy is because he would get lumped in with all the goons who think the world is run by reptile aliens, or that 911 was really done by George Bush with his holographic planes, or his missiles disguised as planes, or that the government is really trashing the US dollar so they can merge with Mexico (who the hell would want to merge with Mexico?).

Now Bob, who works for Robert has done just that. He's placed Robert with the fringe group psychos. I'd like to start a petition to fire his ass.

Everyone who thinks Bob should get fired please write in. Feel free to mention some other dumb conspiracy Bob probably believes in this week. Last week it was that Fluoride is put in the water to keep people stupid. This week its that the government has manufactured the global warming so they can tax us more. I think the week before had to do with a John F. Kennedy twin and the cloning of Elvis (turns out they genetically modified him to have black skin and his name is Jay-Z).

Yesterday Bob told me that the government is trying to genetically mutate woman into developing a third tit. Okay that ones probably true.


1 comment:

Kurt Gross said...


I have two suggestions for you:

1. Open your mind to the POSSIBILITY of all things, and

2. Attack issues, not people.

You'll learn more (step 1) and you'll learn more (step 2).

Good luck,


P.S. If this makes you feel defensive, or that I don't agree with you, please review step 1.