Friday, September 5, 2008

Pay Yourself First

So I wanted to start this blog with one undeniable truth. . . The Arizona Cardinals are going to win the Super Bowl this year.

Anyways. . .

Here at Rich Dad I often get A LOT of questions about Robert, or what did he mean when he said. . . , so on and so forth. So I thought I’d tell you about the number one question that I get.

“Hello Jack what does it mean when Robert says, ‘Pay yourself first’?”
I hated getting that question. I had no clue.

I figured it showed that Robert had forgotten what it was like to be an average Joe. That Robert could no longer remember the days when his shirts were ripped, when he drove around in a rust covered convertible Karmann Ghia with moth holes in the cloth top. When he couldn’t get a date because he couldn’t afford toothpaste or deodorant. Or, dare I say it, when he had to fly commercial coach class (oh the horror).

So the other day I decided I would ask Robert. Sure this sounds easy. I want you all to imagine going to your boss and saying, “hey boss, I know I’ve been working for you for a while, but I don’t understand on of the foundational truths we present in our company.”
It makes you feel a bit stupid and like a total Jack A$#. Its like going to your wife of 10 years and saying, “I understand monogamy is an important part of our marriage, but I don’t really get it”.

But, I’m tired of not understanding and I’m tired of being to afraid to ask Robert what that means. So I ask.

Robert turns around and TOTALLY starts screaming at me. He’s spitting as he goes into his temper tantrum about how stupid I am and what a loser and why am I even bother to work here if I’m so unteachable. . .

I’m kidding.

Robert just turns to me and says, “Did you read Financial IQ? (his latest book)”.

God. I wanted to lie SO bad. I needed to lie SO bad. But I said, no. I hadn’t gotten around to it yet.

That does set him off. “You stupid A hole, if my own people don’t want to learn, what hope is there for the rest of the world?!” Then he hauls off and hits me!

I’m Kidding.

Robert says that I really should read it, because I could learn a lot from it. But then he gives me the answer to the question.

“What I mean when I say pay yourself first is. . .pay yourself first. That’s it.”

Then he looks at me. I’m afraid to ask the next question. Especially since I already told him I didn’t read his latest book. But I’m in this deep, so I say, “I don’t get it. I’ve got bills. Shouldn’t they be first? How can I not pay my bills?”

He looks at me. Now he looks tired. I’m trying to maintain eye contact through my shame, but the gravity of the floor keeps trying to pull my head down.

Finally he says, “Look Jack, it’s simple. Pay yourself first, NOT your bills. Then, when the bill collectors start screaming at you, you’ll find the money. You’ll find a way”

This makes sense. When my business started going under, I always found money for my loudest bill collectors. The rest I pleaded and begged with to get better terms. Its painful, but it is true. I guess by paying yourself first you create a motivator for you to get your finances straight and better terms. In the meantime, hopefully you find a way to take your savings and create cash flow. I suppose the desperate situation you place yourself in will also help you keep your eyes open for opportunities.

So if you’ve heard Robert say, “Pay yourself first”, but never understood, hopefully you do now. Courtesy of my shame.

Jack B. Shameful


Anonymous said...

Ah, what I have learned through your shame today. Next time you wish to go to Robert with a question and feel like a little kid again, let me know so I can have you ask him one for me. Honestly though, you have to admit you are lucky to get to have a boss such as him. Thanks for the post.

Jack said...

Totally true. I learn all sorts of stuff. Just other day I asked him for advice on a snag in a business plan and writing.

feel free to send your question. I can't use this as a portal straight to Robert, but if the questions already been asked I'll give you the answer

Grant Wilson said...

Hi Jack,

I read your blog post on "Pay yourself First" I understand what that means.

The problem that I have what happens you have been twice bankrupt have two special needs children, renting, disability support pension and live in Australia.

I looked at our finances not long ago and boy have no assets and only liabilities is the on going bills.

One good thing out of it I watched The secret and while I was working I got a loan for a car now I do not need to worry about paying the loan off which is really good news. I am also doing Internet Marketing made a little bit online but not enough to cover the marketing expenses.

What would you suggest in this situation Jack?


Jack said...

Hey Grant,

Shortly after my bankrupcy Robert taught me about ephemeralization.
Its the ability to do something with nothing. I've pondered this for a couple years. At first I thought that was impossible. I thought it was stupid. But then I finally admitted that my own ways and beleifs weren't working. I started looking for ways to implement this thought. I think the easiest way to implement this is through the internet. I came up with a service that I could accomplish online. Then I used all my charm and charisma (admittedly not much) to convince a programmer to create my idea for me. He makes money only when the internet company makes money. Here is the best part: The online service is 100% automated. I do nothing. I did nothing. AND I make money.
If a poor person can grasp ephemeralization, then he/she will not be poor for long.

I have Robert, and my failures, to thank for grasping this concept.

Grant Wilson said...

Hi Jack,

Thank you for replying to my post I appreciated that very much.

Thank you for explaining to me about ephemeralization which I have never heard of that word before until now.

It is fantastic that you were broke for a short time as I now know poor is just in the state of your mind and broke is short term.

Jack I am not sure if you able to release the name the programmer you contacted as I have an idea of my own.

I do know success is around the corner for me just need to find someone that I can contact.

I can say one thing Jack I would not be this far in my thinking and thoughts if it was not for the Rich Dad Poor Dad book which read cover to cover twice

Have an Inspiring Day


Jack said...

Hello Grant. Thanks for writing. The key is to find a programmer and sell it to him/her. I can't give out my guy's info, but I can tell you that I pitched my idea to two different guys. Both wanted to do it for FREE, then I got to pick the guy most qualified.
The key word is sell. You have to sell the brightness of future to your programmer. Then he/she will beg to work for you. . . for FREE.

mbeagle said...

Hi Jack, can you give us the name of your website so we can see ephemeralization in motion? I often better understand when I can see the finished product.