Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I have the life I want-you have the life you want. If I really wanted something different I'd do what it took to get it. What really needs to be looked at though is what am I willing to do to get what I want. Say for example weight. Simply putting down the fork and working out more. More exercise and less food--plain and simple. Maybe a comfortable style of life with enough money. But what does it take to get there--some education, some "just do it" attitude. What am I giving up to get there? Is setting goals enough? What about a PERT chart?


Linda's Voice said...

What is a PERT Chart????


Anonymous said...


I've found (and am finding) that sometimes it takes a leap of faith. Or a shove of faith. ;)

The good things often come after a struggle. Being in a position where it is do or die. That is when the reward tastes the sweetest.

Water after a long hike. Booze after laying off for a month. Make-up sex. They all taste better having gone through the struggle.

The question is, are you able to put yourself in a position of discomfort? Take that leap of faith?


Kathy said...

Great question--what is a PERT Chart. it is YOU predicting your future. Sounds Buckyish doesn't it. Basically a tool to lay the steps of what it is you want to do. First you start with the end result. Then what is the step just BEFORE that end. The next step is what is needed just before that one and so forth. It seems easy but I didn't find it so. I did this at the Franchise training in June with Blair. Try it and let me know what you experience. BTW- I hope Blair will be doing this at Robert's 3 day in October.

Unknown said...

Where can we find information to research PERT? Maybe books, internet,Etc?