Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Silver sure is OZ

Hello All,

Have you seen the price of silver? What the hell is that? We get Mike Maloney, an “expert”, to come on insiders and tell us how great of an investment Silver is. It’s the sure thing, growing like a teenage boy’s erection. We publish his Advisor book, Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver, and what happens? The metals get shy and start hiding. Next thing I know this giant of investment, this “most undervalued” asset is cold and shriveling up. Mike says that it will go up to infinite growth, and all that happens is the metal giant gets castrated. Think Tin Man on Wizard of OZ. Nothing’s there. What’s up?!?!

Hold on. Take off your panties and put on your big boy pants. Wipe your face off and SHUT UP!

This is one of the points Rich Dad teaches. Ever since the mastermind, Nixon, took us off the gold standards the markets have no foundation. They fluctuate wildly. A lot like my bi-polar third ex-wife. Every day we get further from the days we were anchored to gold, our economy’s mood swings get larger. Imagine a bi-polar woman suffering from chronic PMS. One day she’s sweet and lovey and the next day she a combo between Lorena Bobbitt and Elvira trying to skin my . . . Well you get the picture. This is our economy.

So this sounds a little scary. I’m scared. Robert, or Robbie Rob, as I like to call him, is not. In fact he kind of thinks its funny. When you’re watching the insider videos listen to his laugh. He’ll start imagining all us Financial IQ retards running scared and crying and he starts to laugh. It’s an evil laugh, it sounds like a snake hissing while being tickled.

Robert says that if your Financial IQ is up there then you make money every time the market swings. The more it swings, the easier it is to make money.

So chill out. The market’s swinging. It will swing back. It’ll swing back bigger. The metal giant will become erect again; the Tin Man will find his “parts”. And when he does Dorthy better watch out, Bi-polar or not.

Jack N. Box


Peeter said...

I read something intresting and explaining from Precious Metals Manipulation: Lawyers Prepare for Battle
Anyway I'm following the Silver prices daily... As Robert teaches we need to FOCUS - Follow One Course Until Successful. So I'm not yet successful with Silver futures investing, so I follow this course until I will be...

Jack said...

Hey Peeter,

I read that article of yours. Pretty scary. Mike Maloney actually told me the same thing about the three banks working in cahoots. Watch for his next video, it talks about this