Friday, August 22, 2008

Are men more disciplined than women?

Interesting interview on CNBC with Robert and Stacy Francis. We could go all day with whose better at this or that, men or women. Is it really a gender issue? Savings is a decision and a discipline and has nothing to do if you are male or female. The "traditional roles" have gone out a long time ago when us little women were given the right to vote. I am more disciplined in some months than others. By writing this I can see that and will make immediate changes to correct that piece. Do you save? What are you saving for?


Linda's Voice said...

Hey Kathy! I feel women are more discipline than men. We are more of a survival type species than men. I don't save money in a saving account because that would be senseless. I take the extra money and go and use it on purchasing silver to build up my assets even though silver has gone down due to the govt printing out more money which will make it much worse. Usually I would go out and take the extra money on luxury stuff that does not add asset but doodads like the CASHFLOW 101 Board Game. And extra money on books to educate myself in learning other types of ways to earn money. Hope to hear more from you!

Unknown said...

Saying that men are more disciplined than women or vice versa doesn't really matter. I can save all the money I want, but if my wife doesn't have the same goal as me, my savings are in vain. The issue is spending. The spending is a result of poor leadership. Married couples need to not only hold themselves accountable but their teammates accountable as well. Team goals are a must and your spouse can be leveraged to meet your team goals when all of you resources are exhausted. Your spouse can act as an other from of providence. Remember business is a team sport. Robert - Kim = broke Robert... But that was the Robert of the past, now together Kim and Robert feed off of each other creating synergy, continually challenging one an other to raise their standard, so "Team Kiyosaki" benefits from these high standards which result from the Hawthorne Effect, since both Robert and Kim have type A personalities.

Kathy said...

Linda--ok so you are using your money to buy silver, that is great to hear but is this a discipline every pay day? or is it a now and then kind of thing. do you pay yourself first?

Kathy said...

giachino--I agree it doesn't matter man or woman. But I think money is a subject that needs to be discussed before the " I do" thing. We all look at and spend money differently. Sex and money are the two things that destroy a marriage. Either too much or not enough. Robert and Kim work at being married and it is not always easy but it is worthwhile.