Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Here's Jack

Hey, my name is Jack. I’ve been married for 11 years and I’m a father one little boy (4) and twin girls (2). My financial perspective comes from the point of view of a failed entrepreneur with a personal bankruptcy, the whole 9 yards of failure mistakes and learning opportunities.

I came here to the Rich Dad company to learn where I made my mistakes and to learn how to do better next time. That said, I have a cynical nature, a dark sense of humor and never just believe what is taught. I tend to question EVERYTHING. Which drives a lot of people mad, especially my bosses here. While I really respect Robert and Kim I abhor hero worship and that will probably come out in these blogs.

I was told I was picked to blog because I can be over opinionated and a bit of a loud mouth. The Rich Dad powers that be seem to think this blog needs a voice out there who will be willing to disagree with the company and Robert. Of course this makes me a little nervous since, last I checked, Robert knows how to read.


Jeff said...

Jack it appears you know you made mistakes so what did you learn from them?

Geoff said...

Jack, very similar backgrounds you and I. Married 6 years, father of 4 (3-year old boy and 21-month old triplets... two boys and a girl).

Doing well now in software sales but planning to exit this rat race in 2-3 years (I just turned 39). About to join Rich Dad Coaching.

Spent 5 years as a 100% commissioned insurance agent, financial advisor, ended up bankrupt. Filed 7 years ago. Looking to begin building wealth in real estate. Have socked away some cash and very interested in apartment buildings or units with 4-20 units.

Any thoughts on Rich Dad coaching and multi-unit investing?

Jack said...

Hello Jeff,

Sorry its taken so long to write. I've never blogged before and had a hard time figuring out how to respond.

I made tons of mistakes. I made the mistake of having the wrong partner, having the wrong investors (one turned out to be "Mofia" and threatened to kill me), didn't raise ecven close to enough money (I had to borrow to put cash in my register). Bottom line is that I learned the difference between being being an entrepreneur and running a business. I had been in my business' field for 20 years. I knew every area. But I had no idea how to be a business owner. I could cut costs, and out work everyone, but couldn't generate interest.

Marketing is nearly everything.
Getting people to do the work better than you can is the rest.

Thanks for asking

Jack said...

Hello Geoff,

Triplets? Holy crap. How in the world do you manage that? God only gave us two arms for a reason. That's just crazy. If I was religious, I'd pray for you. And another only a few months earlier? That's not funny

To answer your question:
I have never done Coaching. I just want to make that clear, so I'm being honest.

That said, I know the guys in Coaching and they are great, honest people.

What Coaching does is hold you accountable. They create a game plan with you and make you do it. They are people who have actually done it too. Its not a script that they read. That said, they don't do your work for you. You suceed if YOU work hard. They guide and hold accouontable, but they will not do anything for you.

So, before you sign-up, ask yourself if you are really ready to do the work? If you are, then I definately think its a good idea.

One more thing. In the interview process, be 100% honest with what you need and want. This way they will link you up with the coach that best matches your skills.

One more one more thing. I waas talking with Robert yesterday and he said that if you are starting out, buy near you. you'll learn way more. Its the chicken that buys far away and pretends there are no problems.

Good luck with the kids.