Friday, August 22, 2008

CNBC - Women aren't savers/losers

Okay, so we’ve been given a little blogging “direction” and have been “asked” to blog about Robert’s latest appearance on CNBC.

The whole segment was about how women have less savings then men. So the “panel” discusses that women work fewer years then men, live longer and get paid less. Blah blah blah. We’ve all heard that before.

Then this big fat guy with the triple chin threat who has never ironed a shirt in his life decides to chirp in about women and their bad spending habits. Next thing I know he explaining that his wife has to buy his underwear for him. What the hell is that? Now I have a visual in my head about some fat guy with holes in his underwear and beer stains on his shirt, shouting at his wife that he needs new underwear. The fat guy goes on about women spending his money blah blah blah.

So I can’t help but thinking this guys a real idiot. If he wants to play “the sexist guy” than pick on women for real things, like the fact that women can’t drive, women are multi-personalities and moody, women are needy, way too dramatic, and have a hard time with logic. But to say they have fewer saving because they spent their whole lives shopping is just plain stupid.

I know for a fact that Robert, or little Bobby K, as I like to call him, shops WAY more that Kim. The other day he came in the office with 4 taser guns and three pictures of Mick Jagger. What the hell is that? Then he comes in with an order of 7 air purifies that he bought from an infomercial. I can’t wait until he brings in the flying toy helicopters. Guess what Kim brought in from her shopping excursion? . . . wait for it. . .NOTHING. So either Kim and Bobby K have had a body swap type of experience or this fat guy on the TV is full of bullhocky.

Anyways. . .

Finally Robert and the other guest, a well spoken woman, jump in and save the show’s integrity saying that yes financial discipline is important, but the most important thing is to get financially educated.

I was hoping Robert would have gone off on this guy. The whole bit. He could have said, look ding dong, savers are losers, so I guess that makes you the loser and your wife the genius. Then hit him with the old, Health is Wealth routine and told this fat slob that he’s looking a bit below the poverty line.

Oh well.

Jack B. Disappointed


Jabber said...

You're both ridiculous and disrespectful, yet I keep laughing.

Jack said...

That's awesome. That's what I'm going for. This business is so serious. Just trying to loosen it up a bit.


Ricks Blog said...

I thought Robert was going to give him that line that "savers are losers", but I understand why he didn't. Savings is a sensitive subject to most who probably watch that show. I don't think that particular TV show is a good place to spread his views on savings. Robert did the right thing.

Are men good savers versus women? Before I got my wife into the Rich Dad philosophy of money she would have had us saving every penny we got. I am on the other extreme. I would have spent it all! I DON'T THINK THAT MAKES ME A WOMAN!

Jack said...

Hey Richard.

You're right that CNBC is the wrong demographics for hardcore Robert. But that would have been great to watch.

The fact that you are a shopper and a spender doesn't make you a woman. Robert is the same way. But. . .
I do wonder if you wear a dress when no one else is home.

Ricks Blog said...

No. They're home.